A poignant short story about Dr. Alex Chen, a memory extraction specialist who grapples with his own unresolved trauma while helping others erase their pain.
Very creative. I loved the ending. This works very well as a short, just enough info, and I could see it being deepened for a longer story of him struggling with the gaps in his past, the locket being teased throughout. Great work
Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was definitely a fun challenge to pack so much into a short piece. First draft had sort of happy ending but it was lacking the punch and emotional depth.
Your comment just gave me some new ideas, do you think backstory of the Dr. would be a fun read?
Interesting premise
Thanks Smriti. I am glad you enjoyed it.
This feels very obvious with the technological advancement like Neuralink. Nicely penned down Harsh!👍
Very creative. I loved the ending. This works very well as a short, just enough info, and I could see it being deepened for a longer story of him struggling with the gaps in his past, the locket being teased throughout. Great work
Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was definitely a fun challenge to pack so much into a short piece. First draft had sort of happy ending but it was lacking the punch and emotional depth.
Your comment just gave me some new ideas, do you think backstory of the Dr. would be a fun read?
I say go for it, it’s an intriguing setting for sure.